Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Hike To The Mountains, & Chillin' By The Beach

A Sunday not like the rest. We climbed the mountain and checked out a small temple, and walked back down and headed toward the beach. It was a beautiful day where we saw everything we could have only hoped for. The cherry blossoms looked wonderful, the flowers smelled sweet, and the sun and moon shone all at once.

Cherry blossoms in full bloom

Up Jangsan Mountain sitting in silence basking in the sun and watching passersby enjoy their walk...

Gorgeous flowers on our walk to the beach...

A perfect view of more cherry blossoms along the way!

Nice relaxing day with a good company...

how have i made it without the net for so long....

So I have been without the internet for quite sometime now....and it's obvious by this post that I have been sneaking in some 'saved posts' while at school for date purposes. However, I only had the time to accumulate a few words from my thoughts at home on the computer. There isn't much time for me to blog at work, plus I wouldn't think it would be appreciated.

In any case, as of March 12th, I believe, is when the 'mysterious' posts have been quasi submitted onto my blog, hence why they have appeared all of a sudden!