A week ago today the south-east coast of Korea was killed with rain...and so the raining seasons begins! Up until Friday did it cease to a few droplets here and there. Rainfall was measured up to 30mm per hour in Junnam by the seashore!! An incredible amount of rain has hit last Monday morning, and reports said from early morning downpour continued throughout the day- Busan, where I live currently- had a record high of 343mm on that very day! Other places like GuangJu had 300mm of rain, and MokPo at 128mm. By Thursday they guessed more rain was to come and they were absolutey right.
I've never seen it rain cats and dogs for such a long period of time. I was so refreshing!!
Meanwhile, back home in parts of Manitoba are suffering from drout and other ailing issues progressively destroying their crops!
I got some wellies and am ready to go splashing in the puddles.....until then.
Tata for now!