Monday, June 22, 2009

Perhaps not the best of my rants; more like jumbled thinking

To note once again thus far, I haven't been blogging all that much, but I sincerely miss it. I do have another form of outlet on StumbleUpon that I have also been neglectful of. I keep insisting to those friends that I've made close connections with that I will eventually catch up with them and yet I've been failing to keep thoughts meander along a path of guilt and sorrow as I begin to feel a little ashamed that I haven't done what I had once said I was going to do.

In light of this, I have I guess what you can call a wealth of jumbled thoughts or a heap of littered reflections about what I've been up and seen in past several months. To begin, I hate saying "I will get to that tomorrow" because when tomorrow comes you never know what's going to give. I've put off quite a bit since I've been in South Korea, and although I do feel somewhat settled I'm realizing how much time is not on my side these days. Perhaps it's even because traveling knows no boundaries and therefore time is nothing but a part of your state of mind and the space that surrounds you.

Back at home I felt as though time was lagging on and that the monotony of it all was never going to end...and this might even be the worst example because South Korea is the never sleeping country, but it seems that time is running out when you actually have the time to think about it. I don't feel like I have stopped since I've been here...and although I feel that I've done so much and yet nothing at all.

This week I am coming upon my sixth month of being in South Korea, and I almost can't believe that I have come this far. I feel like I need to know more about Asia as a whole, and think that I may not know this part of the world as much as I would like to. In fact, I might learn many things I wish not to have learned, too.

You see, at most times I feel fortunate to have grown up in a free country. I've read quite a bit of European history and it's connecting battles with other countries, and am knowledgeable about the unfairness of how certain areas have developed over centuries, but it's not until you live in these areas that you realize how much these events have had a deep impact on the upbringing of a country and culture as a whole.
South Korea is a very perplexing, mind-boggling and paradoxical place to live in, and there is far too much on my mind that I am not sure where to begin talking about SK at all. I do realize that it's one of many countries that is surrounded by its unfortunate historical events, and some may feel that others are worst.
Most days I find myself enjoying my surroundings and speaking a foreign language, but bottom line is culturally Koreans are confused and confusing in social stances and work ethics, and maybe I can also say religiously, too. It's all about perception, and my prerogative is not the same as the next person's. Perhaps it's a little naivety on how the world works exactly or ignorance in seeing how corrupt most places are, but it's been quite the eye opener and it makes me even more curious about other places that I've had only once read about.

To allude to my comment from earlier, the confusing and confused Korea, I would like to just note that I am referring to that only of the South for now. The North is far to revitalizing to induce such a small portion in my post, it would best be saved for a novel really. In other words, you can't just a say a few things about it and move on. I digress once again...
By confused and confusing I must further elaborate. To go back home and discuss what life is like here will be somewhat difficult for other to truly imagine how different it can be. Furthermore, how many times I have gasped and either in a furrowed eye-brow or raised eye-brows is more than I can count. Perhaps it is not overexaggerating to say that partically everyday there is something that makes me sign in the name of this country.

To me, it is certainly not a bad thing, but more a doorway of amazement and awe, and a sense of adventure to seek out more doors to worlds unknown to me. For now I will stop my ranting and will resume at a later time. I'm afraid to say that this will be published without reviewing first, and for that I thank you if you got this far in my rant.
Congratulations, you made it! I'm done~for now.

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