Monday, May 26, 2008


Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl 'Will you marry me?' The girl said: 'NO!' And the girl lived happily ever-after and went shopping, dancing, camping, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook, did whatever the hell she wanted, never argued, didn't get fat, traveled more, had many lovers, didn't save money, and had all the hot water to herself. She went to the theater, never watched sports, never wore friggin' lacy lingerie that went up her ass, had high self esteem, never cried or yelled, felt and looked fabulous in sweat pants and was pleasant all the time.
The End
random email

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Impossible Guitar

Stunning what one can do on a 10 string guitar.

Secret Societies

This video speaks for itself...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

845 % x 3.1415926 = Fear of Numbers ???

Every once in a while the mere thought of 'math' gave me the jitters. I never did mind doing math in high school, and I enjoyed adding, subtracting, multiplying -even dividing numbers according to problem solving questions. These math problems often filled my mind with useful thinking. Besides, I like to challenge myself to see how many simple math equations I can without counting on my fingers.
in finite math I was one of the very few that could understand the probability of things from happening; I nailed it almost every time. I definitely enjoyed doing those problem solving questions.
Later on, wen I was a cashier, I always counted money in units- which makes things allot quicker! (I don't get how some will count every penny) BUT, let's face it- most of us cringe at the fact that we need to budget, pay bills, etc. Yet, we also know that it's something that you cannot escape, because counting things is part of most of our daily routine. Learning more about math can be the most invaluable learning one can give to themselves.

Bottom line, I think its a fear of the unknown. You see, I haven't dealt with certain types of math and it scares me a little, so I close myself off to it. Often I closed my mind when I hear talks of mortgage rates, long term savings plans, and other investments etc. I viewed it as a game and you learn the rules as you go along, often learning mistakes never to be overlooked again.
What is more
, I want to know more about numbers, since it's all around us no matter where you look. It's on you- your body; it's where you walk or work- the trees, the cars, the roads, the buildings, the sky, the world, the universe are all made up of numbers, ratios, compositions of various matters etc. Numbers are everywhere and there is no escaping them.

Yet, what is more, I was apprehensive in my abilities in Physics and Chemistry and stayed clear of those courses offered. In retrospect I have always come across variations of these mathematical concepts upon investigating occultism and studying cosmic education. I felt that I cannot fully understand the universe intricacies and its meaning if I cannot grasp the math behind it. My intention is not to become a full fledge scientist, but to try and grasp in lay-men's terms what is going on in our universe and where I stand in reference to it. I am one that must acknowledge all parts of things in order to say I understand its entirety. Otherwise, I feel like I know nothing of its sort. So, now I am a mission to learn more about them and want to know if you've got any simple books/videos or comments. My mission, to be more specific, is to learn about physics, chemistry, kinematics, and cosmic law.

This Week's OM

In The World And In Ourselves Feeling Fed Up With Humanity

May 14th, 2oo8

From time to time, we may all feel fed up with humanity, whether it's from learning about what's going on around the world, or what’s going on next door. There are always situations that leave us feeling as if people are simply not capable of behaving in a way that is coming from a place of awareness. Often it seems as if people are actually geared to handle things in the worst possible way, repeatedly. At the same time, none of us wants to linger in a judgmental mood about our own species. As a result, we might tend to repress the feelings coming up as we take in the news from the world and the neighborhood.

It is natural to feel let down and disappointed when we see our fellow humans behaving in ways that are greedy, selfish, violent, or uncaring, but there are also ways to process that disappointment without sinking into despondency. As with any emotional response, we honor our feelings by feeling them fully, without judging or acting on them. Once we've done that—and we may need to do it every day, as part of our daily self-care—we can begin to consider ways that we might help the situation in which humanity finds itself.

As always, we start with ourselves, utilizing our awareness of the failings of others to renew our own commitment to be more conscious human beings. We are all capable of the best and the worst that humanity has to offer, and remembering this keeps us in check, as well as allowing us to find compassion for others. We may find ourselves feeling compelled to serve people who are suffering injustices at the hands of other people, or we may begin to speak out when we see something that we don’t think is right. Whatever the case, the only thing we can do is pledge to serve the best, rather than the worst, of what humanity has to offer, both in the world, and in ourselves.


Friday, May 9, 2008

More Flight of the Conchords

I had a slight addiction to Flight of the Conchords until recently. I'd like to add, they are a must share with your friends kind of humour!! I think these New Zealanders are freakin' halarious! "Business Time" is the first I ever heard of accidentally in one of my ECE classes back in October'07. Then it was "Albi, the Racist Dragon"
So, from there on in Kay and I made references to them in class non stop-

Business Time:

Albi, the Racist Dragon: Someone I have meant thought this was used in schools in New Zealand to promote anti-racism, funny.

Flight of the Conchords

Dear Kay,
To our many memories of ECE- the good ones!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

May: A Moment In Hindsight

"Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction."
Adolf Hitler

I believe that universal education is virtually impossible to a certain degree. Universal education attempts to create an 'everyone that are the same', and evidently on this planet we are not all the same. Our earth holds a wide variety of cultures, beliefs and, most importantly, wide variety of ways for learning. Within the microcosm of our our general society-no matter where you live- we cannot always have a uniform way for learning. Education must be ever expanding in terms of creating diverse platforms for those learning about subjects that interest them the most.
Moreover, I chose this quote specifically due to the situation that occurred in my course. A teacher once told us, upon becoming a teacher ourselves, that we must not 'go along to get along.' We need to be strong a fight for what we believe in. For example, to change rules in the ways of teaching and to believe in ourselves, when no one else will, so to find the light that helps us keep our determination and motivation and to keep pushing through until we see results. In saying this, we shall not forget to keep respect and honor others opinion whilst being diligent in our journey. This may not always be the case, and it all depends on the situation.
I finally did it though! As a student I stood up for what I believed was wrong in what I was being taught. In fact, nothing was being taught and I spoke aloud and freely to the this specific teacher about it. Needless to say my grades went from A+Honors in the first term to Ds in the next term. But what are letters and numbers to define who we are? A way to make us feel guilty about how another individual's subjective judgments are reflected upon us. The real lesson was to find out how many times I would let someone walk all over me because they think they are in a higher position.

Meridian Yoga Pose for May

"Yoga helps keep your life-force energy in optimal balance. "

Yoga can be an intimidating practice with all its flexible stretches and its continuous flow of breathing techniques. In fact , if you`re not flexible it`s to your advantage, for it is when you are not overly flexible that yoga poses will allow you to feel the actual motion of a pose. Whereas, if you are overly flexible, like myself, it can take a little longer to really feel the accuracy of a pose. What is more, yoga in its entirety is not something one can learn overnight. In saying that, I have decided to post one yoga pose a month, so that one can learn its true essence in 4-5 weeks. Also, it will allow one to be less spiritually hard on them self in order to truly appreciate the pose. Please not, yoga is a practice and you may or may not be "successful" in doing its full pose, but you certainly can be successful in doing the pose the best you can!

I have recently stumbled upon what is called the 'Meridian Yoga Poses'. Meridian poses peaked my interest since it combines both Asana Yoga with Oriental Medicine, and I practice Asana Yoga. Also, a good friend of mine is in the midst of exploring the realms Oriental Medicine, and the more I read about it the more it makes sense to me.(for more info see 'Channel Surfing') So, I will post one of the 14 yoga poses of `energetic pathways` that I have procured from an article I read a while back; Fit Yoga magazine.

The brainchild of meridian yoga is Daniel Orlansky.
A brief note on Daniel Orlansky: He studied expressive arts and dance therapy before becoming certified in Kali Ray TriYoga, Kundalini yoga, and shiatsu, hands- on healing technique stemming from ancient Chinese medicine, only to name a few.
To find out more about Daniel and his teaching please visit;

Overall, Meridian Yoga draws upon the tools of both Oriental and Indian medical systems to help unblock and balance energy in the mind, body and spirit. The first yoga pose:

Metal Element: Lung and Large Intestine Meridians
when our metal element is flowing freely, we feel inspired and are able to let go of what no longer serves us.

1. Lung Meridian
Asana: Gomukhasana (or Sukhasana with Urdhava Naddha Hastasana (Cow Face Pose with Arms Overhead)
Pranayama: Kapalabhati (**)
What it does: As the organ responsible for taking in life-force energy from the air, our lungs enable us to maintain balance, receive inspirations, and experience ourselves as individuals. Adding Kapalabhati to this pose enhances the lung`s ability to take in energy and eliminate carbon dioxide and other impurities through exhalation.
When it`s in balance: We feel creative and inspired, and self-worthy.
Signs of imbalance: coughing,chest tightness, nasal congestion, sinus problems, skin conditions, feeling of isolation, depression, grief and negativity.

Kapalabhati Pranayama; skull Polishing Breath- breathing through your nostrils, forcefully exhale by contracting your abdominal muscles, then allow a passive inhale with abdominals relaxed. Begin with one exhale every two-to-four seconds, and gradually increase your breath, then exhales slowly and allow your natural breath to take over. Repeat this sequence three times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions until you can comfortably perform 50 rounds.

**NB please refer to the label with title `Channel Surfing.`
EarthBound. (coming soon)

[this message is thanks to Fit Yoga magazine; Aug'07 issue]

small words to live by...

"Nobody will think you're somebody if you don't think so yourself."
---African-American proverb

small words to live by...

"I am willing to put myself through anything; temporary pain or discomfort means nothing to me as long as I can see that the experience will take me to a new level. I am interested in the unknown, and the only path to the unknown is through breaking barriers, an often painful process."
---Diane Nyad

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This week's OM

Removing Obstructions
Allowing Our Light To Shine

There are times when we may not feel at our best and brightest. At those times we can take a look at what we might do to let our inner light shine to the fullest. Because we are physical, mental and spiritual beings, we need to determine where our spiritual light is being filtered or blocked. We can work from the outside inward, knowing that we are the only ones with the power to dim our lights, and as we clear away the layers we can get out of our own way to feel the warmth of our own light shining again.

As vehicles for our mind and spirit, our bodies require proper maintenance. Caring for ourselves is like polishing--helping to clear away the accumulation of physical debris that keeps us from operating at our fullest capacity. A simple shift in our thoughts can positively affect our mental state, moving from complaints to gratitude and applying the powerful light of love to any shadowy thoughts. A change of scenery can allow us to see the world in new ways too.

Once we are free of our restrictions, we can become still and connect to the power at the center of our being. It is always there for us, but when we forget to connect, or siphon our power in too many directions, we cannot make the most of our energy. Starting from the inside out may direct us to take the right steps for our journeys back to the light, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the stillness if our bodies and minds are in the way. As we practice steps to keep our energy flowing freely and without obstruction, we shine our light brightly, illuminating our own paths and making the world around us glow as well.

Harvest Ritual

For you my dear Friend,

Write the following three things down on a piece of loose lief paper.

1. the things that I am grateful for in my life
2. the things I want to bring into my life
3. the things I want to release from my life

Now, after having concentrated on these three things you can burn the piece of paper.
Thank the Universe for receiving your message.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tending to Emotions

Something for you to remember...

Breaking Down:

Most of us have had the experience of holding back our emotions for such a long period of time that when they finally come out, we have something resembling a breakdown. For a certain period of time, the overwhelming flood of feelings coursing through our bodies consumes us, and we stop functioning. Often, these outbursts take us by surprise, welling up within us as we drive to or from work, watch a movie, or engage in some otherwise mundane task. We may feel like we do not know what triggered us, or if we do know, it does not make sense of our overpowering emotional response. This is because we are releasing feelings that have accumulated over a long period of time, and whatever inspired the release was just a catalyst for a much larger, much needed catharsis.

When we find ourselves in the midst of such an experience, it is important that we allow it to happen, rather than fight it or try to shut down. Wherever we are, we can try to find a private, safe place in which to let our feelings out. If we can not access such a place immediately, we can promise to set aside some time for ourselves at our earliest possible convenience, perhaps taking a day off work. The important thing is that we need to give our emotional system some much-needed attention. It is essential that we allow ourselves to release the pent-up emotions inside ourselves so that they do not create imbalances in our bodies and minds.

When you are feeling better, make a plan to find a way to process your emotions more regularly. You can do this by employing a therapist or making a regular date to talk to a trusted friend. 'Journaling' can also be a great way to acknowledge and release your emotions, as can certain forms of meditation. Making room in your life for tending your emotions on a regular basis will keep you healthy, balanced, and ready for life.

Feel the Vibrations

This is the most profound and eloquent way of describing all of life's little particles as a whole; Dietrich took the words out of my mouth.

Energy conveys to us the idea of motion and activity. Inside a living organism we see a source of power, which by some manner is released in terms of movement...Life is is the creator or initiator of movement change, development. We are different from moment to moment because the life principle is at work with us...The spirit of humanity, like the forces of nature, and like the physical life, is at bottom energy... Spiritual life, therefore, is just as much a development out of what has gone before in the evolutionary process as physical life is; which means that the origin of spiritual life is from within.
John Dietrich

Some Say 'When It Rains It Pours'

As a child, rain gave me a sense of relief. Perhaps it was because I knew nobody was going to be outside playing in the rain that I felt particularly secluded, and I would be able to selfishly enjoy the warm summer water falling upon my face. In retrospect, I saw how it creates such a sombre atmosphere for those in its presence. Yet, deep down inside of me I still often felt a sense of peace when it rained. Yes, even on those rainy days when the clouds carried along thunder bolts of lightning. I remember as a little girl sitting at the cottage watching the lighting flash on the lake through the big bay window, and I would count the distance until the thunder was heard. It was rather soothing, but there were times I was a little frightened when a huge bolt of lightning lit the entire sky because I knew there soon would be a real big clap of thunder.

What is more, not many people like rain let alone thunder and lighting, and they often associate rain to one's own detriment; especially when traveling. Being faced with rain while traveling can be rather daunting particularly when the drops of rain are an inch thick hitting the windshield every millisecond. Nonetheless, when I was faced with rain in some of my travels I embraced it to a certain degree, for I cannot help but think of how notably nostalgic it is to me. I feel assuaged in life overall and it makes me want to curl up in a comfy blanket and read a good book.
Overtime, I began to wonder about rain and what/how people associated to its meaning. As I began to inquire about rain and asked others what they thought, I was honestly a little taken back about how much rain is considered `evil`.
Even mentioning the word rain people made disgusted or saddened faces.
They would tell me that when it rains they become lethargic, sore, unconcern about their day, angry, and even depressed. Furthermore, some believed that rain is considered bad luck on a wedding day. In fact, from what I heard it is good luck to have rain on your wedding day. Also, that thunder and lightening are natural fertilizer for the earth.

I delved into it! I looked up rain and what it could possibly mean overall and here's what I found. Okay, maybe not the best source, but it makes sense- at least to me...


The symbolism of rain derives from its correlation with the sacred substance water, a universal metaphor for the origin and renewal of life. The primacy and awesome mystery of natural phenomena for early humans, and his vital dependence on their manifestations, are reflected in the human exaltation of rain as a supreme creative power and intermediary between heaven and earth. In the seasonal revival of nature and the infusion of new life, rain was seen as the dispenser of divine grace and plenty, the promise of survival; in the periodic destruction wrought by storms and floods, as the agent of divine retribution and disaster, the threat of annihilation. Rain signified the descent of heavenly influences upon the earth; at times the gods themselves descended in rain or spoke in the thunder. Like the sun's rays, "the rain from heaven" (Gn. 8:2) was cognate to light, illumination.

The sacrality of sky and the supremacy of rain deities are fundamental elements in the structure of the myths and religions of archaic peoples. As the "most high," sky gods were assimilated to transcendence, their very names often connoting elevation. The Mesopotamian hieroglyph for "height" or "transcendence of space" also meant "rainy sky," and thus linguistically linked rain to divinity.

[edit 10/25/06]
Just to add one more thought. If rain is "a universal metaphor for the origin and renewal of life", and many of us dislike change, then I reckon that rain is a form of release of the spirit in us and on earth. In a way. It makes perfect sense in my mind as to why many of us don't like the rain, since it forces us to stop what we're doing and actually see what's going on.