Thursday, May 8, 2008

Meridian Yoga Pose for May

"Yoga helps keep your life-force energy in optimal balance. "

Yoga can be an intimidating practice with all its flexible stretches and its continuous flow of breathing techniques. In fact , if you`re not flexible it`s to your advantage, for it is when you are not overly flexible that yoga poses will allow you to feel the actual motion of a pose. Whereas, if you are overly flexible, like myself, it can take a little longer to really feel the accuracy of a pose. What is more, yoga in its entirety is not something one can learn overnight. In saying that, I have decided to post one yoga pose a month, so that one can learn its true essence in 4-5 weeks. Also, it will allow one to be less spiritually hard on them self in order to truly appreciate the pose. Please not, yoga is a practice and you may or may not be "successful" in doing its full pose, but you certainly can be successful in doing the pose the best you can!

I have recently stumbled upon what is called the 'Meridian Yoga Poses'. Meridian poses peaked my interest since it combines both Asana Yoga with Oriental Medicine, and I practice Asana Yoga. Also, a good friend of mine is in the midst of exploring the realms Oriental Medicine, and the more I read about it the more it makes sense to me.(for more info see 'Channel Surfing') So, I will post one of the 14 yoga poses of `energetic pathways` that I have procured from an article I read a while back; Fit Yoga magazine.

The brainchild of meridian yoga is Daniel Orlansky.
A brief note on Daniel Orlansky: He studied expressive arts and dance therapy before becoming certified in Kali Ray TriYoga, Kundalini yoga, and shiatsu, hands- on healing technique stemming from ancient Chinese medicine, only to name a few.
To find out more about Daniel and his teaching please visit;

Overall, Meridian Yoga draws upon the tools of both Oriental and Indian medical systems to help unblock and balance energy in the mind, body and spirit. The first yoga pose:

Metal Element: Lung and Large Intestine Meridians
when our metal element is flowing freely, we feel inspired and are able to let go of what no longer serves us.

1. Lung Meridian
Asana: Gomukhasana (or Sukhasana with Urdhava Naddha Hastasana (Cow Face Pose with Arms Overhead)
Pranayama: Kapalabhati (**)
What it does: As the organ responsible for taking in life-force energy from the air, our lungs enable us to maintain balance, receive inspirations, and experience ourselves as individuals. Adding Kapalabhati to this pose enhances the lung`s ability to take in energy and eliminate carbon dioxide and other impurities through exhalation.
When it`s in balance: We feel creative and inspired, and self-worthy.
Signs of imbalance: coughing,chest tightness, nasal congestion, sinus problems, skin conditions, feeling of isolation, depression, grief and negativity.

Kapalabhati Pranayama; skull Polishing Breath- breathing through your nostrils, forcefully exhale by contracting your abdominal muscles, then allow a passive inhale with abdominals relaxed. Begin with one exhale every two-to-four seconds, and gradually increase your breath, then exhales slowly and allow your natural breath to take over. Repeat this sequence three times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions until you can comfortably perform 50 rounds.

**NB please refer to the label with title `Channel Surfing.`
EarthBound. (coming soon)

[this message is thanks to Fit Yoga magazine; Aug'07 issue]

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