The ultimate part of this Monday evening was when I had asked for a pair of shoes a couple of times, but the guy at the front desk just kept talking my ear off about climbing events and Canada etc. He must have been taken back by my Canadian Beauty because I didn't even pay for this evening's event. Also, when I began to boulder I found people are so friendly and very encouraging. It was fun to see people of all levels take part on this one wall, and to see the various moves they made to make it more of a challenge.

To give you an idea of what the climbing centre is about, it's an old church that was built in the 15th century. The Church of St.Werburghs is filled with fins, overhangs, pillars and arches, and the main climbing walls are about 12 meters in height. This is good enough for me since I haven't climbed in what seems to be ages. (Just don't tell them that or else I'd have to take courses) The walls contain over 100 routes that you can climb and are regularly changed, so it keeps you on your feet. No pun intended. Moreover, there are two sections for bouldering and they can become challenging as well if you follow the number's path. Yet, quite exuberant nonetheless.
The bouldering facilities are allegedly the best in the South West according to their website.
The only thing that I must get used to are their grading systems, for they name their levels differently then we do. Otherwise, I am eager to challenge myself to great heights!
I feel oddly dumb after reading your post about rock-climbing! I don't know the first thing about it, and it all sounds like obscene jargon to me. Bouldering? what is that? Is it a verb? a noun? soooo confused!
Okay so you got me on the 'bouldering'- to boulder would be proper terminology. However, the remainder of these terms are not familiar to you, because you don't climb. S'ok. You're still cool in my books.
Boulders are small walls that you can climb without having to use a harness. When I went to Acadia National Park we both climbed huge walls, and 'bouldered' over smaller rock surfaces. Really, it's all about grades of rock surfaces. Then when you get into the climbing vs bouldering there are more grades within spectrum of the two.
Does that help?
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