Saturday, October 25, 2008

New Face, Same Name

So....copy and paste, eh?

Not that I would go so far as to place blame or anything [she says, with a raised eye-brow] BUT Tammie erased everything on my blog...all except for my posts.
It's all I have to say...

Well, I'm partially to blame,in that I wanted to change the face of my blog. I thought it a good idea,since it's been six months of having my first blog- ever, and I thought maybe I'd actually change the face of it. The things is I just can't be asked to change something that isn't broke. That, and I'm too much of a lazy perfectionist for that sort of shenanigan. Besides, I don't have the first clue as to how I should transfer everything...or if you actually transfer information.

In any event, when I mentioned my plans to Tammie she practically squealed with glee as she offered to help by showing me some new backgrounds she found. "I promise everything will remain the same, so don't panic", she says, knowing how much I hate spending hours on my computer trying to 'fix' something that won't even look like I did much.

As we're on the computer, logged onto my blog site, she continues to assuage my lack of confidence. Not a lack of confidence in her technological abilities, but that of this cut and paste scenario. She says: "It's easy. All you have to do is cut and paste, and it'll save everything you have."

We move along the pages on this template site and we're about to 'try on' a new background. I find a nice one that I think I would enjoy and Tam maneuvers the mouse over and does the deed. She right clicks it to select the paste option...and all that remains are my posts. I could almost here the crickets playing in the background as silence fills the air. No sign of 'links' that I added, nor 'friends who blog'...nothing. (sigh) The words "I'm so sorry" must of been repeated a dozen times thereafter. To be fair I did ask for a change, and now I got it.

*Duly note- when change comes expect EVERYTHING to be different in its wake. Either that, or just don't change- but where's the fun in that?

....needless to say,
in the next few days expect sudden changes, for a new face to my blog will surface.
{Tam- don't feel guilty- it's all in good fun. If anything I still love ya! :) }

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