Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Count Down Is Now On:

Time is ticking.

Just a quick note to announce my departure time from Canada. I have exactly 4 weeks left before I leave for South Korea. I received a confirmation this morning notifying me that there is a position in Busan, South Korea saved for me.

Today I have signed the contract for the school, and I sent off the paper work needed to apply for my E-2 visa. They expect me to be there working by the 18th, or 19th of December. From my understanding, I will start to work during their winter break session, and they will have extra classes during this time.

The recruiter for the school noted that I will have a schedule from early afternoon to early evening, and once I have been working for a few months she said they may offer me extra class hours. I'll be working with elementary and middle school children, and my contract is a year long.

I'm really ecstatic about traveling over and meandering on my own. I can't wait to see old friends like Jonesey, Lou,& Danyelle. It will be extraordinary.

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