Tuesday, September 23, 2008

There's No Place Like Home...there's no place like home.

In a time where I need reinforcement from life I find myself at the beginning of a yellow brick road. Among me are the Cowardly Lion, the Heartless Tin Man, and the Mindless Scare Crow. I truly do feel like Dorthy when the tornado hit Kansas city, and she's taken off into a world she is not all that familiar with. This time the characters she ventures off with are all within me.
There's a piece of each character within everyone of us- it's a matter of taming or motivating each one to create a balance.

I am ever so grateful for having the opportunity to explore a fragment of my world, but I believe my time has come to move forward. I must admit I did get a little attached to the beauty and wonder that England has to offer; the people, the atmosphere and the work experience. I have come to the conclusion that it isn't my bag. It's difficult because I had originally planned on coming for two months, and head back home. Once I arrived I realized that the opportunity for a full time contract would be longer than expected, so I made the decision that I could just stay for the year, or maybe two.
My contract ended sooner than anticipated and I was left with no money, no place to stay, and no real job security in order to place me back on my feet. I stayed for one month to try and organize something as far was work, but there just didn't seem to be anything there for me to survive on. It seemed that everything was at a lost, and I couldn't see home anymore. As the ol' saying goes- "home is where the heart is." As far as I was concerned I no longer had the home I thought I had.
I think I went off track and forgot what is was that I was looking for...to teach and just be creative in whatever it is I am doing. I've thought about going to South Korea for some time now, and I sent out a message to a school and received a reply.
So, now my Lincoln Adventures are complete and I am venturing off back home to say hello to friends and family. This way I can get my appropriate papers in order to begin South Korean Adventures in Busan!
Although I have a great opportunity elsewhere it's hard for me to switch off one plan(even though it didn't pan out) and venture off to another one.
I'm 'earth' and I move slowly, and I have to remember to be patient with myself.


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