Day 1. Kay and I left Bristol about noon-ish on Saturday and was driven to the Toronto airport where we began our long expedition of

We board the plane at 9:45pm and settle into our seats by 10pm only to find that the young married couple sitting in the next aisle to us are about to embark on the most heated discussion- ever! For the next two and half hours we're subjected to the woman's loud whisper, as she tares pieces off her husband. She asks him to move so she can get something from the overhead compartment and she is throwing things around like she was two all over again. What is more is that she thought she was inconspicuous about the entire deal.
Finally after the second movie began we all began to sleep. My sleep was interrupted seeing that my dandy-long legs were confined to the inside of our seating area and I had no room to stretch. Breakfast was finally served when I woke, and as I glanced over to the infamous couple who kept me up during the peak time of my insane tiredness- I see she is still infuriated!
So enough about them- let's back to some real excitement! We finally arrive in London, England at noon their time. We make our way to find a booth so to purchase a train ticket that will leads straight through to our destination; Bristol. It did not go as smoothly as planned and we had to board a few different modes of transportation. First it was the train, then an underground railway, and then another train that finally would take us directly to Bristol Temple Main.
YEah- well our day is not done. By now it's 4pm and we're taking a taxi to our hostel. We get to our hostel and to shorten the story up there's a video shown below of our temporary stay, and another shows you the stair case to the third floor. FOUR flights of stairs to the third floor- tell me what is wrong with this pic! Wish I actually had the camera of us training our luggage up these stairs! Talk about a daily workout.
Day 2. It's Monday, our second day in Bristol and we are getting used to where we are staying, but getting to eat regular(North American) food is next to impossible. Most, if not all of their restaurants are geared toward a specific demography, but then again it's really hard to describe. So, now we decide we need Groceries!! Where the heck is Tesco?! It was suppose to be a 10 minute walk, but with very little directions we turned ourselves around and finally found it almost an hour later. It was right under our noses the entire time. Nothing too exciting has happened today, and yet it went by quickly. Off to bed to wake early for Orientation Day.
Day 3. Our third day, and it's Orientation day! Yet, I spent most of the night awake due to a girl who coughed all night. Then early morning she has the audacity to let her phone alarm go off at 7am in the morning and not even get up for it! Our roommate from Paris stormed out speaking what I think was the 'coughing girl's' language, because I heard no French words come out of her mouth. Then the coughing girl leaves the room two hours later leaving her phone in the room and it went off again at 9am. That in essence if living the hostel life, unfortunately.
As for my Orientation day, it went rather well. We are well taken care of here and there is no doubt in my mind we chose a good company to work for. I cannot wait until I begin work, not only because I can use the cash flow, but because I am thrilled about the variety of experience I will gather while I am here.
So far, there is no drastic change and no real excitement- except for remembering which way to look when crossing the road. That can become sheer excitement.
Well, much like them I'm off for a brewsky!
1 comment:
omg so many stairs li li! just think you'll be able to build you leg muscles!
love ya miss you terribly!!!
lots of hugs and kisses
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