Monday, June 23, 2008

A Place To Call Home

Finally we're settled in and now I can blog our excursion here. Although there are few videos you may have already seen of the hostel we stayed at here are few more portraits of our trip here.

This next video defines how tired we are- very short and really not much to say about it. If you notice how Kay reacts she seems jumpy at just about everything. We did not get much sleep on the plane ride in, and had a frantic and never ending train ride to Bristol.

****N.B.> The lazy perfectionist has surfaced. I am not too sure as to how this music video got here, and I do not feel like redoing this blog since it takes forever to upload videos. I hate being on the computer this long. Either way you can skip it or enjoy it*****PS Tammie, you sent this to me whilst I was blogging one day- who is this anyway?

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