Saturday, January 31, 2009


Perhaps I maybe a little insane for this, and do apologize for the lack of coherence...but here's a conversation I had with myself a few days ago.

-poke, poke....hello? Wake up!! It's time to be a little more aware of yourself!
-Oh, hey.

-Self, what's going on with you lately?
-I'm not quite sure actually....I got this weird and strange sensation about some things.

-Well you know, you're certainly nowhere near home, not even you think that perhaps it has to do with this weird and strange feeling you're having?
-Thanks for the reminder...but I think it may be the lack of sleep, and the being out late till 5:30or 6:30 in the morning....

-Right, sure it is. I mean there's no doubt that sleep is making you feel unlike yourself....I get the sneaking suspicion though that it is more than just...
-Yeah, yeah. So, I broke down a few days ago. It's 'cause I was in a drunkin' stupor and feeling a little frustrated with this whole being around people I can't understand their language, and just the desire to talk to people instead of them being scared of "wagukans" (foreigners).

-Oh.....well, it's going to take a little time before you settle, and you're friends are right. You reached the month mark of frustration where you just busted. Listen though, to be fair- you haven't even had time to recoup from the exhaustion of coming here, and the excitement it brought upon you. The people here are far more different than you can ever imagine....

So this goes on for a few days...maybe even weeks. However, at the same time, not having the comforts of home is all to bizarre. On top of that, school....oh right we'll save that for another time.

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