Thursday, January 29, 2009

January Review In Busan

A few places and cool eats I'd like to share over the past month...I wish I had more time to post.

Here's a little bit of a description of a the few things I've seen while in my first month here;

Chamchi gimbap is made up of seaweed paper(gim) and rice(bap). The chamchi is tuna!! I love it because they add a whole wack of veggies and a little bit of mayo.

The fresh farm veggies are brought in by farmers from nearby districts and are generally cheaper than most supermarkets.

Haeundae is an area and Jangsan is within this district. Jangsan is New Town and has been all newly built within the last 5 years or so.

KJC is my place of work- the school name.

Beijing Story is the best restaurant ever! Tons of food for so little price, but you need to go in a huge group to make it worth the while; however, the weekend after we went it shutdown because they lost their chef. Too much work for such little pay!

The story about the cow- it's meant to be used on your shoulders, and you can tap your shoulders with this pillow like object to relieve stress in your shoulders. It was found in Seomyeong, and the lady told me "No American cow, Korean cow". It's been huge deal about having North American meats here, to the point of having protests about not buying NA beef. Yet, they have McDonald's...

I called the cow cot-so because it is Korean for cow. The O in the cot is prounounced like the U in sun. I can't find the symbol to put on top of the O to demonstrate this.

The rest is self-explained...

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