Friday, January 16, 2009

Wonder Girls Addiction

Hehee...still chuckling to myself. I almost forgot to share this....

The most popular and most overplayed song here in Korea at the moment belongs to the Wonder Girls, among a few other bands. However for some reason this particular song of theirs stuck. Yes, it's corny, and pop-ish, but I can't say exactly why it amuses me- it just does.

It's one of those songs that is annoyingly addictive, and I just couldn't get enough of it. I couldn't get it out of my head once I had heard it somewhere, and that was pretty much the first two weeks of being here. It's not only the lyrics, but the finger twirl, the knee lift and the double clap of the hands, and just to annoy my fellow foreign co-workers I'd sing it every once and a while at work!

A few nights ago while Heather and I were walking down the subway terminal she pulled the ol' phone out and played the already downloaded song, and then we pulled out the ol' moves for a brief moment.
Yeah, for some odd reason it's the only time we weren't being started at....

So for a sneak peak at some Kon-glish here are The Wonder Girls with 'Nobody But You'

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