Sunday, June 22, 2008

Taking Risks

Making a sudden and drastic change in life can leave one feeling unsettled. It's not about age, money, or how adventurous you are, but when making a move away from a great home, a great job, and having turned down several career opportunities things become muddled. In the beginning when everything is murky you begin to think you've lost yourself, and as the seed of doubt sprouts within you start to feel like it's all one big mistake.
I wrote home to friends and family to see if anyone would reach out for one last time just so I know my launching pad was still nearby. A great friend who knows me more than any other replied and she helped me realize that home is where the heart is.

Hi Lisa,

As I read your note from Saturday I was heart broken to see you on your darkest day.

Believe me there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I was just thinking Saturday morning, a person has to be brave to leave with one suitcase for one year- so nice to be young. It's like when you up lift a tree with hardly no roots; when you plant it elsewhere its bound to find the sun and grow healthier and stronger than its ever been before. Knowing you, Lisa, I know you will make it, since you are a strong person when you put your mind to it.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance with the rain .
Sending all my love and prayers to you.

I love you mom!


metamorphi said...

So sweet. It made me cry to read this. Everyone has their bumps in the road and I'm so glad you're over yours.
Thinking of you both.....Sharon

EarthBound said...

Yeah, no doubt!
It was difficult at first considering when moving here literally half the money I had saved for a while was gone in an instant. Plus, I am so used to working all the time- coming here I was not doing anything at all and feeling so unproductive! Now that is all over and done with and feeling like this is where I belong.