“ It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know of wonder and humility.” [Rachel Carson]
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Day Of: Taiwan
Admitingly, I was a tad bit doubtful that I could get myself anywhere in Asia by myself, and then I suddenly realized that I did manage well on my own to get myself here in the first place! Sometimes the world seems like a bigger place because we're so afraid to see the things we don't know or are not accustomed to. We blind ourselves by the axieties of all the possible 'worse case scenarios', and are unable to see what actually is there.
WEll, until the next time when I return to South Korea I will leave you with some good pictures and details about my adventures in Taiwan!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Taiwan Plans
I have a vacation at the end of September that I have been looking forward to for quite sometime. I have been planning to go camping and now at the last minute, as per usual, I have changed my mind. I was going to plan this camping trip that would bring me to know more about the country I have habitated for the last 8 months! Yeah, I can't believe it's been this long and it past by so fast!
So, for my vacation I am going to Taiwan on my own and do the couchsurfing.com If you don't know what it is, it's great for travelers who wish to keep it simple and also keep it super cheap! It's this thing where people allow you to stay with them while you travel for free. I am going to do the west coast of Taiwan, including Taipei and the its tallest skyscraper in the world, and down to the south in Kenting to see one of the world class National Park. It's going to be good, and super safe for solo travelers. I hit the jackpot because it's only a 200thou won flight and it's usually more than that!
I will save the whole entire trip's details for when I get back!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Korean Chopstick Update
In the past eight months that I have been in SK I have taught almost all the levels in my hagwon. The levels are as such, Phonics, Hop1(pre-beginner), Map1(Beginner), Leap1(Intermediate) and Elite. There are also TEPS and Genius levels to which a)I have not taught, and b)it preps them for university entrance exams. The hagwon also has middle school classes which are strictly taught by Korean teachers. Now, Phonics, is no longer taught by Foreign teachers, as they are now taught by Korean teachers. My Elite classes, TEPS and Genius classes will also be given to the Korean teachers once end of August rolls around.
I have had the greatest time with each class, and I feel it a privileged to have conversed about diverse subjects with my Elite class. To hear what they have to say about such things as morals, science, new forms of technology, just to name a few, was a great experience. However, it brings to mind one of the most interesting articles we've read, and it came from a book titled Express Yourself, and the article is 'Studying English.'
To begin let me explain what the article entails. The article, in brief, discusses how important it is for countries around the world to learn English. Moreover, Koreans are one of the few that 'knows how to go about it effectively.' The article goes on to say that most of the linguistic structures of Korean and English are very different, evidently, and that an understanding of grammar is necessary in learning the language. On the other hand, although foreigners don't speak in a grammatical sense they certainly can still communicate their ideas and needs decently. The main point here is that foreigners speak and listen to the language and don't simply learn a plethora of vocabulary and grammatical structures when learning another language. I quote from the article; "It is even the sad truth that, despite a large vocabulary and deep grammatical knowledge, most Koreans do not write in English very well, either." It takes much practice. To listen to the intonation of sentences and the pronunciation of words, then to mimic what they hear is how they can truly understand what it is they want to communicate.
Furthermore, what is amiss is how the lack of proficiency can impede on the advancement of the Korean economy, since the world does its business in English. Their resolution to this issue is to make English a requirement in their university entrance exam.
Now here's what I am really concerned about. These higher levels are all going to Korean teachers. Let me first say that it has nothing to do with the fact that they are given to Korean teachers, I have nothing against them. It's more about the fact that the chances of Korean being spoken during the 45-50mins of class time are greater than if they were with Foreign English speaking teachers.
Many schools in and around the city have set important standards for their English environment, and they take it quite seriously! Their number one rule is no speaking Korean upon entering school grounds. The more students par-take in speaking English with their teachers and find consistency the more they will find themselves improving. It's been proven through many forms of education systems that rote learning is not conducive to any proper form of educating children, no matter the subject.
Whether it's paying more money or somehow browbeating teachers pride and honor have some people taking leaps and bounds in doing whatever it takes to have their child leveled up, even if its before they're ready. Yet, their resolve is to (perhaps in jest) "marry an American and move to the States." In reality, further impeding the growth of their economy.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monsoon Season
I've never seen it rain cats and dogs for such a long period of time. I was so refreshing!!
Meanwhile, back home in parts of Manitoba are suffering from drout and other ailing issues progressively destroying their crops!
I got some wellies and am ready to go splashing in the puddles.....until then.
Tata for now!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Perhaps not the best of my rants; more like jumbled thinking
In light of this, I have I guess what you can call a wealth of jumbled thoughts or a heap of littered reflections about what I've been up and seen in past several months. To begin, I hate saying "I will get to that tomorrow" because when tomorrow comes you never know what's going to give. I've put off quite a bit since I've been in South Korea, and although I do feel somewhat settled I'm realizing how much time is not on my side these days. Perhaps it's even because traveling knows no boundaries and therefore time is nothing but a part of your state of mind and the space that surrounds you.
Back at home I felt as though time was lagging on and that the monotony of it all was never going to end...and this might even be the worst example because South Korea is the never sleeping country, but it seems that time is running out when you actually have the time to think about it. I don't feel like I have stopped since I've been here...and although I feel that I've done so much and yet nothing at all.
This week I am coming upon my sixth month of being in South Korea, and I almost can't believe that I have come this far. I feel like I need to know more about Asia as a whole, and think that I may not know this part of the world as much as I would like to. In fact, I might learn many things I wish not to have learned, too.
You see, at most times I feel fortunate to have grown up in a free country. I've read quite a bit of European history and it's connecting battles with other countries, and am knowledgeable about the unfairness of how certain areas have developed over centuries, but it's not until you live in these areas that you realize how much these events have had a deep impact on the upbringing of a country and culture as a whole.
South Korea is a very perplexing, mind-boggling and paradoxical place to live in, and there is far too much on my mind that I am not sure where to begin talking about SK at all. I do realize that it's one of many countries that is surrounded by its unfortunate historical events, and some may feel that others are worst.
Most days I find myself enjoying my surroundings and speaking a foreign language, but bottom line is culturally Koreans are confused and confusing in social stances and work ethics, and maybe I can also say religiously, too. It's all about perception, and my prerogative is not the same as the next person's. Perhaps it's a little naivety on how the world works exactly or ignorance in seeing how corrupt most places are, but it's been quite the eye opener and it makes me even more curious about other places that I've had only once read about.
To allude to my comment from earlier, the confusing and confused Korea, I would like to just note that I am referring to that only of the South for now. The North is far to revitalizing to induce such a small portion in my post, it would best be saved for a novel really. In other words, you can't just a say a few things about it and move on. I digress once again...
By confused and confusing I must further elaborate. To go back home and discuss what life is like here will be somewhat difficult for other to truly imagine how different it can be. Furthermore, how many times I have gasped and either in a furrowed eye-brow or raised eye-brows is more than I can count. Perhaps it is not overexaggerating to say that partically everyday there is something that makes me sign in the name of this country.
To me, it is certainly not a bad thing, but more a doorway of amazement and awe, and a sense of adventure to seek out more doors to worlds unknown to me. For now I will stop my ranting and will resume at a later time. I'm afraid to say that this will be published without reviewing first, and for that I thank you if you got this far in my rant.
Congratulations, you made it! I'm done~for now.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Truth &Responsibility leads to our own Acknowledgement
Every day I teach my students three vocabulary words and they must write one sentence for each word. These words are something that have been used throughout the unit, or a lesson from the previous day. Today I gave them words that I randomly taught them from the previous day; 'Truth' and 'Responsibility'.
Here's how it started. I've run into this problem where the students were consistently speaking Korean and I could not find any form of discipline where I didn't have to always stop the class to explain that speaking Korean is not conducive to their learning habits. The other day I was told of a secret that permits students to monitor one another when they speak Korean during class time, and because this situation was getting completely out of hand in my classroom I needed to no longer waste my time on unnecessary discipline. There were days where I would fine myself overwhelmed by these little children speaking a language I don't yet fully understand, and they're not taking in this valuable time to put forth an effort of learning a second language that can be vital for their own future. In any case, this secret has completely led me to peaceful bliss...
I came in on Monday afternoon ready to set precedent for a new month, and I came in with a set of chopsticks still in it's paper wrapping. I asked my fellow students what these were. They answered in a perplexed air, as if to say that I am the half whit; "They're chopsticks!"
I concurred and I said, "Yes, but from here on in they are 'Korean speaking chopsticks', and for every time someone speaks Korean they ought to be handed these fine sticks."
I proceeded to explain that at any time anyone utters a word of Korean they must be handed the 'Korean speaking chopstick', and at the end of the day whomever has them in hand I would mark their name on a sheet of paper. They quickly understood and the 'game' began. The tension rose betwixt and between one another as they all had their Korean ears on overdrive. Although some classes seemed stress due to the lack of awareness of how much English they really know, others found other ways to communicate. As for me, my time was perfect. No more screaming Korean speaking children...other than the one class that muttered English songs all 45minutes of class time. They could not sit still even if you paid them, and with the 'Korean speaking chopsticks' they were actually muttering English songs and still could not sit still but for one minute unless I had them doing written work. It actually put a smile on my face that they were really putting an effort of using their English skills, and being funny in the meanwhile.
At the end of the month most of my students, if not all with receive an incentive for having kept up with their English. Those who have received the 'Korean speaking chopsticks' more than 5 times throughout the month will have nothing. As you can see, the fact that they must receive what their peers are getting entices a stronger sense of competition. (They don't like embarrassment, and not being the same as their peers is something considered quite humiliating.)
What really put a smile on my face is teaching them about truth and responsibility. Two important words that foretell each one of their character. How deceiving they become or how honest they actually are. The 'Korean speaking chopsticks' have really brought out a form of individuality and although it has been a few days no real big fight has emerged because they know that I am not the one who has the 'responsibility' to call upon them or make the decision, but it's their own 'truths' that submerge them into defining the two languages.
These children, as well as myself, are becoming knowledgeable about how much English they really do know. Furthermore, an awareness of how much they can improve without really knowing it.
When we utter truths in our own lives and take responsibility of our own actions there's an instantaneous form of acknowledgment of what lies before us and around us. We become more aware of what really exists around us and fully acknowledge what we ought to do to move forward.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Playing Around
Over time, and through experiences, we become inspired to make a great move in the game of life. One that sets precedent and thus in the end makes us change into what we think about the word 'play'. Some of us in the beginning of adulthood play too seriously and continue this way for an eternity. Others play far too much. But few know that playing around while being conscious of our own actions cannot only inspire others, but make the most profound of changes withing ourselves.
Earth Bound
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A Hike To The Mountains, & Chillin' By The Beach
A Sunday not like the rest. We climbed the mountain and checked out a small temple, and walked back down and headed toward the beach. It was a beautiful day where we saw everything we could have only hoped for. The cherry blossoms looked wonderful, the flowers smelled sweet, and the sun and moon shone all at once.
Cherry blossoms in full bloom
Up Jangsan Mountain sitting in silence basking in the sun and watching passersby enjoy their walk...
Gorgeous flowers on our walk to the beach...
A perfect view of more cherry blossoms along the way!
how have i made it without the net for so long....
In any case, as of March 12th, I believe, is when the 'mysterious' posts have been quasi submitted onto my blog, hence why they have appeared all of a sudden!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
As the days keep turning into night...
Commitment, one leap of faith you need to take with yourself first.
Having a committal relationship with yourself...the best thing you can do for you. This can be strangely difficult, but all so true. The most important person to have a commitment with is yourself, and if you don't have honesty, trust, strength, joy, integrity, respect and above all love for yourself; even through times of loss, ill regret or impetuosity, then you won't have such a strong hold on commitment with anyone else. Whether it be with your parents, siblings, friends, lovers or in life adventures; and let's face it- everyday is an adventure. A friend once told me that everyday is like a test to see what you can handle, no matter how big or how small.
So, how committed are we with ourselves?
Let me clarify how I see the meaning of the word 'commit'...
Of course the dictionary meaning would probably include such words as; an assurance, an obligation, un devoir, a duty, a liability, a must, a promise, a responsibility, a vow, an undertaking etc. The list goes on I am sure.
Being committed to your life will bring forth an even strong confidence towards a committal relationship with others. It'll also bring peace and comfort in your own minds eye, thus bringing in peace and comfort to all things around you. It's not to say that everything will be perfect, but at most you won't have a world of a difference when the going gets tough....
An excerpt of a letter to a friend from a few weeks ago:
Titled: ...and the beat goes on
Dear Friend,
It took a little longer to send out this missive.... I wrote, and have re-written all these missives in my mind and on computer, because not one of them came out as positive as I can remember myself being. I also have been sick these past few days and actually took a sick day. I am not normally sick and can generally work through it, but this time I lost my voice and the whole shebang.
Since I've been here it's like I truly warped into some maniac who can't think anything but the negative aspects this life has to offer, hence why I haven't been writing a post on my blog about my thoughts. I am honestly embarrassed of the way my thinking pattern has become so murky and gloomy. I feel, perhaps I was ill in my body because my mind and soul could have been uneasy about a few things...okay many things....I mean, I it's not to say that this life is all about butterscotch lollipops and pockets full of sunshine, but it isn't about constant thunderstorms either.
What I am getting at is, although things are out of place for me...[and as an aside I am born an earth sign- I learned that this is something I must be patient with]it takes time for me to adjust to things more than most. I do love change, but with it comes my logical thoughts tormenting my poor heart. Being out place is something that I need, but is so difficult to endure.
As I return to one of my oldest posts in my mind, I wrote about how rain and such things are a reflection or representation about change in our own mind, body and soul. It's a difficult task and perhaps most easily seen overall by others, or by yourself after all has cleared up. I know that this perhaps the most difficult of situations I have put myself in, as I have secluded myself into a place that is unknown to me, and there is no getting used to it no matter how many travel guides I read, or culture shock books I take in. I am away from the people that I am used to seeing regularly and from the things that make me feel 'comfortable'.
So what is this comfort I speak of...it can't really be about things and people all the time, can it? Should it not come from within?
.... Walking on the wild side...
[and the reply...]
So if you'll pardon a paragraph or two of pontification; your last missive contained a couple of no-holds-barred truths about joy, sorrow and humanity that I can't not babble about.
To quote you . . . hehe =)
"not one of them came out as positive as I can remember myself being"
You were speaking of trying to write a missive, but you could paste that one across actions, mental states, attempts to sing `Hooray for the Day' despite the fact that all you want to do is go back to bed and check the forecast tomorrow.
I won't pretend to know the details of the shadows that occasionally survey you, except to say that I also have shadows which will occasionally camp out atop my location.
The kicker is in where the will gets focused.
"Being out of place is something that I need, but so difficult to endure," you wrote.
And that is absolutely true, especially since you can speak intellectually about the enigma, and put the whole thing down clearly. The road you want to be walking is under your feet; it's just not always bliss.
If it was, it wouldn't be worth walking.
But, and I so loved how you closed your letter,
"Walking on the wild side..."
Perfect! Fantastic! The girl seems to get it.
....Your Friend
So my prerogative is to commit to yourself and trust that your actions are what is best for you. It may seem a little selfish at the time, but I think we all are trying to do the best we can for ourselves in hopes to do some good around us.
We get to really go home when we decide that home IS where the heart lies, and when we're aware of our own heart. Most importantly....that it's always right!
Lyrics to song above!
Well I have been searching all of my days
All of my days
Many a road, you know
I’ve been walking on
All of my days
And I’ve been trying to find
What’s been in my mind
As the days keep turning into night
Well I have been quietly standing in the shade
All of my days
Watch the sky breaking on the promise that we made
All of this rain
And I’ve been trying to find
What’s been in my mind
As the days keep turning into night
Well many a night I found myself with no friends standing near
All of my days
I cried aloud
I shook my hands
What am I doing here
All of these days
For I look around me
And my eyes confound me
And it’s just too bright
As the days keep turning into night
Now I see clearly
It’s you I’m looking for
All of my days
Soon I’ll smile
I know I’ll feel this loneliness no more
All of my days
For I look around me
And it seems He found me
And it’s coming into sight
As the days keep turning into night
As the days keep turning into night
And even breathing feels all right
Yes, even breathing feels all right
Now even breathing feels all right
It’s even breathing
Feels all right
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
No Ends & No Beginnings- To Infinity & Beyond...or To A Finite Life
It's hard to start something anew when you're so focused on only that part of your life and can't realize that it is already a part of who you really are. We imagine/make up all these fears and truly believe they have attached themselves to our hips. We let them prevent ourselves from becoming the concentrated entity of who we are.
The gist of what I am saying is that we can't look too far back or too far forward to try and commend what we are doing now. It is to live in the now, and if we're consistently doing that-the bigger picture eventually becomes more clear to us as we live our daily lives.
...I am no longer sure as to where this is leading me...and what it is I am trying to accomplish here...but I would like to say to a dear friend of mine- who is about to embark on a 'new' journey of her life- I give you all the gratitude, happiness and self-worth that you deserves you. To you, StarChild, I grant you all the wishes you desire to feel the beauty that is you and that is on this earth. To the continuous cycles on this earth may you feel the abundance it serves you!
Love and always thanking you
Earth Bound
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Je Suis Toute Puissante
Je suis toute puissante
C`est rare, mais c`est comme ca que je me sens.
Pour chaque arc-en-ciel
Il y a mille etoile qui brille pendant la nuit
Ils le font pas pour toi ou moi,
Car c`est toute naturelle.
Oui, c`est vrais des fois j`m`ennuie,
Mais, je suis toute puissante,
C`est moi ca, c`est comme ca que je me sens.
Je ne suis pas la seule
Qui se demande pourquoi nous somme ici.
Ca c`est la vie, et c`est pourquoi souvent je rit.
Je suis toute puissante,
Et c`est comme ca que je te vois!
Bad, Bad Boy
the first being Rain and his hot hit Rainism. Yikes... Thought perhaps you'd like a taste of what it's like in most stores around where I live in terms of music... I would love to put more on, but enough is enough, really.
Rain: Bad Boy
Saturday, January 31, 2009
-poke, poke....hello? Wake up!! It's time to be a little more aware of yourself!
-Oh, hey.
-Self, what's going on with you lately?
-I'm not quite sure actually....I got this weird and strange sensation about some things.
-Well you know, you're certainly nowhere near home, not even close...do you think that perhaps it has to do with this weird and strange feeling you're having?
-Thanks for the reminder...but I think it may be the lack of sleep, and the being out late till 5:30or 6:30 in the morning....
-Right, sure it is. I mean there's no doubt that sleep is making you feel unlike yourself....I get the sneaking suspicion though that it is more than just...
-Yeah, yeah. So, I broke down a few days ago. It's 'cause I was in a drunkin' stupor and feeling a little frustrated with this whole being around people I can't understand their language, and just the desire to talk to people instead of them being scared of "wagukans" (foreigners).
-Oh.....well, it's going to take a little time before you settle, and you're friends are right. You reached the month mark of frustration where you just busted. Listen though, to be fair- you haven't even had time to recoup from the exhaustion of coming here, and the excitement it brought upon you. The people here are far more different than you can ever imagine....
So this goes on for a few days...maybe even weeks. However, at the same time, not having the comforts of home is all to bizarre. On top of that, school....oh right we'll save that for another time.
Anything Can Happen
Shel Silverstein
Listen to the Mustn'ts,child,
Listen to the Don'ts
Listen to the Shouldn'ts
The Impossibles, the Won'ts
Listen to the Never Haves,
Then listen close to me --
Anything can happen, child,
Anything can be.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
January Review In Busan
Here's a little bit of a description of a the few things I've seen while in my first month here;
Chamchi gimbap is made up of seaweed paper(gim) and rice(bap). The chamchi is tuna!! I love it because they add a whole wack of veggies and a little bit of mayo.
The fresh farm veggies are brought in by farmers from nearby districts and are generally cheaper than most supermarkets.
Haeundae is an area and Jangsan is within this district. Jangsan is New Town and has been all newly built within the last 5 years or so.
KJC is my place of work- the school name.
Beijing Story is the best restaurant ever! Tons of food for so little price, but you need to go in a huge group to make it worth the while; however, the weekend after we went it shutdown because they lost their chef. Too much work for such little pay!
The story about the cow- it's meant to be used on your shoulders, and you can tap your shoulders with this pillow like object to relieve stress in your shoulders. It was found in Seomyeong, and the lady told me "No American cow, Korean cow". It's been huge deal about having North American meats here, to the point of having protests about not buying NA beef. Yet, they have McDonald's...
I called the cow cot-so because it is Korean for cow. The O in the cot is prounounced like the U in sun. I can't find the symbol to put on top of the O to demonstrate this.
The rest is self-explained...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Few words can mean the world...
but then I Stumbled Upon a picture that reminded me of you.
I sent a few words to let you know you're deep in my heart,
and never thought you'd show the world what I thought.
Every time I look at your golden page it makes me feel bright,
and when I see those words that ring so true-
it makes me want to hold my Angelite so tight
...thinking of you.
StarChild, no matter where you are in the world,
no matter how far away or nearby
you still teach me to cry.
I still am learning not to trap my heart,
and to feel less guilty for the thoughts that I start...
when I cry I release these emotions..
heavy or light...
When these tears start to roll down my face I know that it is truly right.
I can't believe all this time I kept these drops of freedom within,
it kept making me weak and so very thin.
It's funny, the more I do it- the more I realize how much freer I've become...
free as a bird on an endless horizon.
Merci mille fois, merci.
C'est un mot que l'on dit, meme tous petit.
Je t'aime avec tout mon coeur- forever and for always!

click on the title above for the link to StarChild's page
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wonder Girls Addiction
The most popular and most overplayed song here in Korea at the moment belongs to the Wonder Girls, among a few other bands. However for some reason this particular song of theirs stuck. Yes, it's corny, and pop-ish, but I can't say exactly why it amuses me- it just does.
It's one of those songs that is annoyingly addictive, and I just couldn't get enough of it. I couldn't get it out of my head once I had heard it somewhere, and that was pretty much the first two weeks of being here. It's not only the lyrics, but the finger twirl, the knee lift and the double clap of the hands, and just to annoy my fellow foreign co-workers I'd sing it every once and a while at work!
A few nights ago while Heather and I were walking down the subway terminal she pulled the ol' phone out and played the already downloaded song, and then we pulled out the ol' moves for a brief moment.
Yeah, for some odd reason it's the only time we weren't being started at....
So for a sneak peak at some Kon-glish here are The Wonder Girls with 'Nobody But You'
Monday, January 12, 2009
Arrival into Busan, South Korea
I won't get killed by gun shot, but mopeds on the sidewalk may be the cause. What the...
Alright, so here's a little note updating you on my whereabouts. As I have just recently found a strong connection I cut and past a journal that I have been keeping...somewhat. I tried to keep the journal as short as possible when editing; A) just 'cause it's less to read and less risk of it being boring, and B) I had/have no brain power left after the flight and staying out late and working early mornings. It took me hours to set this stinkin' slide show and type up this post because of the internet or lack thereof, but finally it's done.
It's a doozy...enjoy!
Monday 22nd, 2008
Departure 10am:
I drove myself to Ottawa on the most beautiful and sunniest day anyone could ever ask for. I arrived 4-5 hours later and relaxed in a cozy restaurant to eat dinner before driving up to the airport. Once I arrived at the airport I saw that it was packed solid with oh so many pitiful East Coasters who were stranded all weekend from the horrible snow storm we received over the weekend. Approximately 40cm in total dropped over the span of two days, and luckily for me it all dried up by Monday. This herd of people were sleeping on mats and were crowded together forming a massive sphere of stress. It was not a pretty sight by any means.
The line up was ridiculously long, but I got through it quicker than I had anticipated. I waited in Ottawa to catch a one hour flight to Toronto only to wait there for three hours before my international flight departed. Yet, because of the long line up and delays that had occurred in Ottawa I no longer had to wait in Toronto. By the time my flight arrived into Toronto I soon boarded my plane at 11pm.
Already 12 hours of traveling and still I hadn't even left Canada. Another 17hours to go! Roughly. Yay! [A bout of sarcasms flies through the air]
Tuesday 23rd, 2008
Not much to say, as I was still in the air all day Ontario, Canada time until 8ish. I slept on and off, and watched or rather attempted to watch a few movies. Succeeded in watching one, but do you think I can remember the title. Nope! It was a great one though, honest! It was the one where the evil doer dies off in the end and where the good prevails. God I love those movies. [heehee]
One thing that I can remember is how beautiful the flight attendance were. Honestly they were like plastic dolls they were that gorgeous!
Wednesday 24th, 2008
Arrival time into S. Korea 10am (8pm Tuesday Ontario time)
I called Davey J, since my recruiter was almost worried sick that I was going to be alone on Christmas day, and he was the only person I knew here in Busan. He came over around noon and we ate lunch. He brought me to an Indian place, and it was my first taste of it. It was delicious! However, I think it was much spicier on the way out than it was coming in, if you catch my drift. Great food nonetheless.
Davey J had to leave for work by 3 o'clock and so I sent myself to bed for an extra long nap. I slept from 3ish till about midnight, and when I woke it was time for another meal! This time Davey J took me to eat the real deal...Korean food!! We had Sam jyup sal, which is pork/bacon and a few side dishes such as; huge pickled yellow radishes and kimche (pronounced Gimche). Kimche is pungent and is a fermented dish made up of cabbage or turnip seasoned in salt, garlic, green onions, ginger, red pepper and shellfish. Most kids have told me they eat it for breakfast; needless to say it's a side dish for almost everything here.
We had beer called Hite [pronounced Hite-euh. Haha Konglish makes me laugh!!] Also, SOJU!!! It's like vodka and is the cheapest booze ever!! With my being jet lagged and a light weight it is easy to figure out the booze hit a little harder than expected. By the time we were done eating it was at 1:30ish in the morning, and Davey J asked gave me a few option, one of which was to head to the Casino. Seeing I have never been I decided to try my luck.
From 2am till about 9am we spent most of the time playing Black Jack and drinking free whiskey and coke. Sigh! I was about to walk away at 6:30 with probably the same amount I began with when I decided hit the Roulette table at the last minute. I don't know how many times I chose the exact number, but by the time I looked back down I had too many chips I didn't know what to do with. I felt as though I shouldn't try my luck anymore, and a few fellow drunkin' Americans asked me to play for them. Believe it or not I was actually winning some of their money back! Talk about beginner's luck, eh?
I ended up walking out with four hundred thousand Wons! Equivalent to about four hundred Canadian!
A picture of my temporary tour guide; Davey J.
Thursday 25th, 2008
Once again, not much to say here as I slept most of the day, and spent Christmas with Davey J eating Domino's pizza for dinner. Yes, I was too exhausted...correction, I was too comatose to even formulate a thought let alone a sentence, or move to go to a restaurant and eat.
Domino's of all things, believe it or not....I still chuckles at the thought.
Friday 26th, 2008
My first day of work and they were late on picking me up. I was to be picked up at 3o'clock and was picked up almost an hour later. I stayed until 9:30. I met all of my co-workers and met most of the children I'd be teaching. Unfortunately for me the teacher prior to me has no disciplining skills and often let the children run the show. I saw how much work I had cut out for me. How lovely!
I went out for a few drink with Davey J, and he took me to a foreigner's restaurant/bar called Thursday Party. For the first time in my entire life I was locked in the bathroom stall. The lock case broke off, and as I attempted to climb onto the wobbly toilet I felt insecure and jumped back down. When I did a sense of claustrophobia set in, and so I stood back onto the wobbly toilet and ended up getting my dandy long legs over over the stall. Yes, I climbed over the bathroom stall since there was only a few inches of space at the bottom of the door. Besides, who really wants to crawl on a bathroom floor!?
Saturday 27th, 2008
I moved into my new pad, and as you can see from the slide show there are windows like mad!
So I am slowing but surely recovering from this jet lag. I can honestly say it was actually probably the most embarrassing thing to have, and I am glad that I didn’t have to teach during the worst part of it. Constant severe brain freeze where words from my thoughts could not make it out of my mouth, and the more persistent I would be the more difficulty I would have speaking. It was a major case of the stutters and dementia- no word of a lie. Often I would completely forget that I was even talking- right in the middle of a sentence!!
Moving on....
Sunday 28th, 2008
Davey J took me on a tour to the Nampo-dong fishery and VIPS restaurant. [Not said in acronym style] We'd say V.I.P, but it's called VIPS in huge caps too! It was certainly crowded and smelt like the Maritimes when I lived on the East Coast of Canada.
Thursday 1st, 2009!!!
My first few days of work have come and gone and I can honestly say am liking it thus far, but perhaps it is because everything is bran spanckin' new.
Last night was New Year's Eve and so I start anew today in hopes that I will have interesting and monumental explorations in and around these areas!
In getting to know a few of my co-workers they took me out to Thursday Party (the place where I originally got locked into the bathroom stall) and we stayed up until the sun came to greet the new year! There was a huge gathering at Haeundae (pronounced Hay-unday) beach where crowds of people joined together to cheer as the sun came up. You'll see the pictures in the second slide show.
My co-worker Heather ended up going to another co-workers friend's house, and there we waited in warmth for the sun to welcome up. The guys took out the Australian musical instrument, and Heather blew the didgeridoo so loud the ship called back! Honest. It had to be the funniest thing I witnessed!
I believe I have written enough for now, that and I don't know how coherent this is even though it will be three weeks tomorrow since I've been here. I will try and keep you posted more often than none, and hopefully I will receive internet service sooner than later.
This week I recoup, therefore more messages are underway as I relax in my apartment.
As an aside...The slide show may have some typos, but I can't fix them as the widget is no longer found on the site I created it in. The net is not the greatest at the moment...well until I actualy get the net, and for some reason I grabbed the widget in time, but the slides were not saved, oddly enough.
New Year's Eve:
There is more to come, but the net is slow, and this is becoming tedious over time! Perhaps I will head to a PC bong for my next blog, as I don't have any pictures to show for my last weekend.